tisdag 2 augusti 2011

SuperSwing TT day 1 and 2

All pics from the yoga swing teacher training 28/7-31/7 2011 in Oslo.

Big thanks and humongous hugs to Milka, Ivy, Kay, Doris, Sylvia, Stian, Hanne, Mats, Christer, Christian and our teacher Karen Finck.

Get inspired and prop UP!

Supporting hyperextention in the knee with block

Placement of block

Learning to work with with hamstrings instead of knee

Learning propper alignment for virabrandasana 1

Streching heel to floor

Ardha uttanasana with swing and blocks

Legs up the wall, tight hamstrings

Supportet sukhasana, arms wraped

Hips and knees leveled

Passive backbend

Left: active foot. Right: passive foot.

Supported balasana, takes pressure from knees

Restorative for two =)

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Down dog, supported with swing and blocks.

Placement of swing for down dog and forward fold

Parsva Hasta Padasana

Utthita triconasana, back leg push into the swing

Virabhadrsanana 2
Parsvakonasana with swing and block


Outerspiral front leg

Tadasana on floor, feet against wall

Shoulderstand in swing with belt

Shoulderstand in swing

Uttanasana against wall

Dolfin with block and belt

Utkatasana against wall

Thighs back in tadasana (+ navasana)

Pashi with block and belt

Janu sirsana with bock and belt


Parsvottanasana with swing and block

Virra 1 prep


Utkatasana with the swing as an alignment prop

Placement of swing for parvritta triconasana

Parvritta tricco with chair and swing.

Parvritta tricco against wall prep.

Parvritta triconasana against wall
Prasarita padmottanasana

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